PROVE TO YOURSELF WHAT THE FREE EXTREME ACHIEVERS(R) QUOTIENT SURVEY IS WORTH TO YOUR BOTTOM LINE! The EAQS gives you three evaluations. One is a graphical tool (RUE- Resource Utilization Efficiency image) that gives you a quick indication of probable performance levels relative to people with similar Achievement Resources (time, talent, education and experience). The other is a written analysis with recommendations for improvement. The third is a raw score you can use for research to validate the EAQ, Rejection Factor and other outputs for your company, departments and individuals within departments. You can analyze any of the the EAQS raw score outputs with relevant measures of your new hires and employees. Measures of possible interest to you can include anything you think might be relevant. They can include scores on aptitude tests, years of education, years of experience in their profession, continuing education, retention, sick days and, of course, job performance measures such as sales.
Currently you can use the automated online EAQS free. Would you like us to customize a version of it for your company, adding a password protected page with your logo added, with no results displayed for the test taker to see? Results are pre-programmed to be emailed to whatever address you want. For more information . Want to develop the EAQS in a language other than English, or a culturally specific EAQS? Want to transform your team into a special force of EXTREME ACHIEVERS(R)? That's what we do.
While you're at it, help yourself first. Take the free EXTREME ACHIEVERS(R) Quotient Survey.
We've proven this at every company that's used it: A person with a high EAQ but lesser talent, education and experience outperforms someone with a low EAQ but superior talent, education and experience. And now it's available for you . Why not use it free before your competitors get it? NOTE: Except for specific written terms to the contrary with existing clients, this offer may be changed or terminated by us at any time without notice. Call for information about licensing and other products and services. 1-800-MY COACH (800-692-6224)